Photographs from 'The Falcon' 1975</i>

Photographs from The Falcon 1975


Henry Rudd who, having passed Grade VII Flute with distinction, went on to play with the Bulawayo Philharmonic Orchestra under Derek Hudson.


College Band. I think we have Sinek (clarinet, front right), O'Brien (saxophone), Mike Robinson (bass guitar) and Myles Shannon (lead guitar, standing right).


Junior Science Labs.  Back row is Alastair Rooney and in the row in front of him, closest to us with glasses, is Malcolm Bollen.


Relaxing in the afternoon outside the tuck shop. Admin buildings in the centre, background, hall off left and classroom block on the right. In those days the tuck shop was under the hall at the back.  In the background can be seen Alan Taylor's R4, Tony Goodburn's Merc and Ian Stewart's Datsun, which is parked outside his classroom which is on the right of the picture.  The boys are (L to R) David Giles, Andy Pugh, Lyle Kirsten, Harry Charalambous, ?, ?, Allan Fleming and Kevin Gaia.



Intrepid fighting men, members of staff doing national service in the Police Reserve. Here we have John Worwood, Frank Reed, Gordon Macdonald, John Dakin and Peter Philips.


Below are four photographs from the creative arts supervised by Alan Taylor, who can be seen in the middle background of the first one with his trademark pipe.

Next are four photographs of the boys in and around the houses.


A water polo match on swimming bath hill.


Doubles on the new all-weather tennis courts.


A game of squash - note the new parquet floor.


The expedition in 1974 was to the Chikwarakwara irrigation scheme on the Limpopo River.  Here an expeditioner carries out some fieldwork on specimens collected.


Two old boys dropped in for tea on Main Field during Old Boys' Weekend.


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